This site is not intended as an introduction to meditation per se.
If you are new to meditation, I would encourage you to find a local meditation/mindfulness teacher, and share this site with them. If they aren’t receptive to its contents, perhaps find another teacher that is.
Whichever teacher you find, here’s a few hints that I hope will be helpful to you in learning:
- Teachers may well suggest regular practice, e.g. 20 mins per day. If this is hard for you, this is because you are a parent, not because you are a failure. Explore 5 mins instead. Perhaps, also, explore doing that at a time when your child is with you.
- Watch out for expectations that either you, or your teacher, bring around how meditation is supposed to go. When we have a child with us, things become less predictable. That is perfectly okay.
- We tend to set ourselves a target of 100% success. If we don’t meditate every day, we’re bad. However, I would argue 20%, 50% is better than 0% - it marks success. Anything you try, is instantly a success.
- Remember that meditation is about learning, not a fixed action. If we sit down with our child and learn yet another way that it won’t work, then we’ve learned something. I call that a success. Keep going, and your learnings will start to build into something meaningful.